Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences
Welcome to Penn and to the College of Arts and Sciences. Transferring to a new university can be an exciting but daunting process. Following the steps below will help you to make this transition as smoothly as possible.
Incoming transfer students will receive a welcome message in mid-June from the College, which will include directions for getting started and the name and contact information of their pre-major advisor. This message will be sent using the Hub, the College's online secure messaging application.
First Steps
As soon as you have received that email, please follow the steps it lays out for you to get started at Penn:
- Set up your PennKey.
- Create an SAS email account.
- Get started moving through the modules of Transfer Compass, your introduction to information about course registration and the transfer credit process. (Transfer Compass is a course in Penn's learning management system, Canvas, which you will eventually use for your classes. You will not be able to access it before creating a PennKey and being added to the course. Please contact Dr. Poyourow at poyourow@sas.upenn.edu if you have not yet been added to the course.)
- Once you have worked through Transfer Compass, reach out to your pre-major advisor whose name you received in your initial Hub message and which is also visible in Path@Penn.