Path Plans is a new course planning tool where you will be able to add potential courses you are considering taking in future semester. You can access the tool using the “Primary Plan” button just below the “Primary Cart” button in Path@Penn.
As with any new tool, there may be some areas for improvement. Please keep the following in mind as you explore this new function:
- Path Plan is a course planning tool, not an academic or degree planning tool. It is not the same as your degree audit.
- Path Plan does not show how your courses count towards the Arts & Sciences credit requirement or the total C.U. requirement. Continue to refer to your Degree Audit for that information.
- There is no guarantee that the courses you Validate in Path Plans will run during the planned semester.
- Path Plan is also different from Penn Course Planner. Penn Course Planner is a separate tool developed and maintained outside of the Penn administration.
Here is a Quick Reference Guide (QRG) developed by the Office of the University Registrar that may help you navigate Path Plans.
As always, for questions about your degree audit, visit College Office Drop-ins, which are Monday-Friday from 12-4pm in 120 Cohen Hall.