Policies Governing Graduation

In order to graduate from the College of Arts and Sciences, students must meet degree requirements and comply with the following conditions by the dates indicated in the timeline for their expected month of graduation.

Degree Requirements Credits needed  by Major

Students must maintain a 2.0 overall grade point average, and a 2.0 average (or better, depending on the department) in major courses.


General Policy

College students are expected to be enrolled on a full-time basis. Bills are not normally adjusted when a student takes less than a full load of courses.

Seniors who need fewer than 3 c.u. in their final semester to complete their degree requirements may consider declaring part-time status. Students who are considering part-time status must first meet with their major advisor and then with an advisor in the College Office. These advisors will verify that the student needs fewer than 3 c.u. to graduate and will then make the adjustment. Simply registering for one or two courses is NOT sufficient to become part-time; the student must follow the above procedure to make the tuition adjustment.

Part-time status must be declared before the first day of the term in question. Students are advised to complete this process by the end of the preceding semester (that is, usually by December of the fall semester).

Some students may have special issues related to part-time status:

  • Athletes must wait until their previous semester’s grades are posted (normally, in early January) before they can officially declare part-time status.
  • Students with financial aid should check with the Student Financial Services office, since changing their enrollment status may change their aid status.
  • International students who wish to inquire about part-time status in their final semester must speak with an assistant dean in the College Office and the International Student and Scholar Services office.

Each department, program or individualized major advisor will certify students as having met the requirements for the respective majors and minors.

Seniors should consult with an advisor in the department or program in which they wish to minor, to confirm that the minor has been certified as completed in the Degree Audit in Path and posted to the student’s transcript.


Because the value of the Penn experience lies not only in courses taken but also in participation in the life of the University community both in and outside the classroom, at least four semesters of full-time study must be completed while enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania. Students must also be registered for their last two semesters at the University, including registration through its approved programs for study abroad.

Students who wish to complete their final courses at another institution by means of credit away must speak with an advisor in the College Office. These students must request a leave of absence as part of this process. Those who propose to take as many as 5 courses at another institution will be required to submit a petition to the Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing to waive the residency requirement (students should understand that any petition may be denied). Those who need 4 c.u. or fewer do not need to submit a petition. In all cases, any courses proposed for Penn credit must be approved by the relevant department through XCAT.

No student may graduate with a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania without having completed at Penn at least one-half of the total number of required course units. Students must also complete at Penn at least one-half of the courses required for their major (though some major programs may require more than this number).

Any courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not automatically apply to a major or minor. Students who wish to use a Pass/Fail course towards the major or minor should consult with the department or program advisor. If that advisor approves, they should email Shannon Fioravanti in the College office. The College will ask the Registrar to uncover the grade. This cannot be done until the students final semester.

Please note the exception to this policy for spring and fall 2020 and spring 2021.

An Application for Graduation must be submitted early in the term of expected graduation. Seniors must adhere to a graduation schedule prepared each year by the College Office. A late fee will be charged for failure to apply for graduation by the date specified. Check the timeline for graduation.

All courses applying towards the undergraduate Bachelor of Arts Degree in Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania before a student receives an undergraduate degree are recorded on the student’s undergraduate transcript. At the date of graduation, the transcript is closed, i.e., no changes may be made thereafter.

Students can view and request official copies of their undergraduate transcript on Path@Penn.

All financial holds must be cleared and resolved before graduation. Graduates who have not resolved these holds may have their diplomas held. Students should contact Student Registration and Financial Services (SRFS) for help resolving their holds.

It is possible that students who are waiting for a decision from the Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing on a petition submitted regarding graduation requirements may not be cleared in time for graduation. It is, therefore, important to submit any necessary petitions as early as possible, and remain in communication with your College advisor.