Time Conflicts

Students must be enrolled in course sections they are attending. However, the College will in limited cases allow students to enroll in courses whose meeting times slightly overlap.

If the overlap is fifteen minutes or less, and both instructors provide written permission, the student can request the override by coming to the College Office for a drop-in. This should be done at least two business days before the end of the Course Selection Period, ideally sooner. Students are responsible for all material and assignments in both courses, even if they are not present.  Instructors are not required to give approval and should not if the missed class time would be disruptive to the course or to the student’s learning experience.

In circumstances where a studio or lab courses has flexible individual meeting times within the scheduled course time, the College may allow a time conflict with both instructors' support.

In either case, the time conflict override should only be used if absolutely necessary. Students should plan their schedules to avoid such overlaps.  Time conflict overrides are not recommended and generally are not appropriate for First-Year students.