
Students in the College who believe that their circumstances might warrant an exemption from a College rule may submit a petition. They may do so by filling out a petition form and writing a statement. In this petition statement, the student must demonstrate why they feel that this exemption should be allowed. If extenuating circumstances such as health or family issues are cited, proper documentation will be necessary.

If the Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing does not believe that the case warrants review, the petition will be denied. Decisions are final. Students may appeal a decision only if they can present new information or documentation.

The student must first discuss the issue with an advisor in the College Office. If that advisor is unable to resolve the matter, the student may submit a petition, which will be evaluated by the faculty Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing. Petitions for waivers of deadlines submitted during the semester in which the student is enrolled in the course are heard by the Committee of Assistant Deans.

The faculty Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing meets at regular intervals throughout the school year. The committee will consider the student’s petition statement and any supplementary materials (such as medical documentation) that the student submits. The student will be notified of the committee’s decision, usually within a few days of the committee meeting. Petitions are submitted through the College Office. Dual Degree students should address petitions related to degree requirements to the school whose degree requirements are affected; in some cases, a petition to both schools will be required. All other petitions (e.g., late Drop, late Add, late Withdrawal, late Change of Grade Type) should be submitted to the home school.

It is possible that students who are waiting for a decision from the Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing on a petition submitted regarding graduation requirements may not be cleared in time for graduation. It is, therefore, important to submit any necessary petitions as early as possible, and remain in communication with your College advisor.