Beyond the M.D.: Careers in Healthcare
Virtual | 5:30-7:00pm
Many students enter Penn intending a pre-med track and ultimately accomplish that goal, but still more discover a passion for work in health-related fields that go beyond a traditional MD career path. From research to non-profit management, pharma to consulting, there are a multitude of health careers that Penn graduates are well-equipped to make an impact in. During this panel discussion, you’ll hear the stories of how College alumni arrived at where they are today, bringing their passions and education to their work.
Christina Wu, MPH C’14
Research and Policy Director, Long-Term Quality Alliance
Silicia Lomax, MPH C’18
Health Practice Associate, Waxman Strategies
Samuel Ware C’13
Director of Operations, Contessa Health
Madison Poplawski McHugh C’13
Director, Respiratory Biologics Sales Operations, AstraZeneca