The instructor who gives an evaluation, exam or course grade has sole authority for changing such evaluation, exam or course grade, provided the instructor remains on the faculty (or the emeritus faculty) of the University of Pennsylvania.
Students in the College who wish to have an evaluation, exam or course grade reviewed must first discuss the matter with the instructor who gave the evaluation, unless the instructor is no longer a member of the University of Pennsylvania faculty or emeritus faculty. In cases in which faculty appointments have terminated, or faculty have resigned or are deceased, sole authority for changing an evaluation rests with the undergraduate chair of the relevant department.
Should this meeting not yield a resolution that is satisfactory to both the student and the instructor, or not be possible, the student may ask the undergraduate chair or program director of the relevant major/subject area for assistance in the matter. Should the matter not be resolved with the aid of the undergraduate chair, the student may seek the assistance of the dean of the College. The role of the dean is limited to insuring that the department has arranged for a proper review of the matter.
Period for Grade Review
Once a grade from A+ to F has been entered on a student's transcript and has remained through the end of the next regular semester in which the student is enrolled, it is considered permanent and changes will not ordinarily be permitted. Any exception to this rule must be approved by the dean of the College.