Dual Degree

Students may submit an application for dual degree with the College during the application period for each semester (April 1 to May 15 for the fall and November 1 to December 15 for the spring)

Students may elect to complete the the College's requirements along with those of the Nursing School, the School of Engineering and Applied Science or the Wharton School.

A student pursuing the dual degree earns a B.A. from the College and a B.S. from Wharton or Nursing, or the B.S.E. or B.A.S. from Engineering.

It is important to distinguish between a double major and the dual degree program: A student pursuing a double major satisfies the requirements for two separate major programs within the College but earns a single B.A. degree. A student pursuing a dual degree will receive two bachelor's degrees simultaneously, from two separate schools of the University.


  • Since careful planning is an important part of a successful dual degree, College students considering the dual degree with another undergraduate school at Penn should consult with an advisor from the school of interest. The Wharton School runs information sessions each semester – dates and times can be found here: https://undergrad-inside.wharton.upenn.edu/itdd/
  • Students in other Penn undergraduate schools who are interested in a dual degree with the College should meet with any College Office advisor (email college@sas.upenn.edu or call 215-898-6341 to schedule a meeting).
  • The application process for a dual degree varies among the undergraduate schools. Contact the advising office for the school to which you are applying for details on how to submit an application. For College students who apply to another school for a dual degree, the College will continue to act as their home school.
  • Satisfying the requirements of both schools requires a heavy courseload and may require more than four years to complete, depending upon A.P. credits and how many courses overlap both schools' requirements. 
  • To be eligible to apply for a dual degree, students must have completed at least 4 course units in each of their first two semesters at Penn. Students may not apply to the dual degree program with unresolved I's, NR's or GR's on their transcripts.


The application for dual degree

  • Like all students in the College, Dual Degree students must complete a minimum number of credits in the Arts and Sciences.
  • Dual Degree with the College: Applicants should have a cumulative g.p.a. of 3.3 or better and should have completed relevant course work.
  • Dual Degree with the Nursing School: A g.p.a. of 3.0 is necessary for consideration. Consult the Nursing School further details.
  • Dual Degree with the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences: The Engineering School looks for a cumulative g.p.a. of 3.0. The School also likes to see MATH 1400, MATH 1410, PHYS 0150, PHYS 0151, CHEM 1012 and CHEM 1101. By the end of the second year, the student should have at least one sophomore-level engineering course. The total number of course units a student must have for the two degrees may be as high as 46.
  • Dual Degree with the Wharton School: Students should consult the Wharton School website for eligibility and academic requirements for consideration for the dual degree with Wharton.
  • Applications for a dual degree with Nursing or Engineering can be submitted at the end of the first year or at the middle or end of the sophomore year. Applications for a dual degree with Wharton can be submitted at the end of the first year or the middle of the sophomore year at the latest. Students are usually not eligible to apply for the dual degree after the sophomore year.
  • To apply for a dual degree at the end of the first year at Penn, students must have completed at least 8 c.u. at Penn. Note that individual schools will have their own policies. See their website for details.

Both degrees must be awarded at the same time even if the requirements for one are completed in an earlier semester.

Students who transfer to Penn with junior standing are not eligible to apply for a dual degree program or for semester study abroad programs.