To be eligible for the Dean's List, a student must have:
- Completed 6 or more c.u. for letter grades
- Received no grades lower than C
- Completed all courses on time with no Incompletes, NR or GR.
A student who has received a sanction of probation or greater for a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity, the Code of Student Conduct, or the Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy is not eligible for the Dean's List in the academic year in which the violation occurred.* The Dean's List citation will be removed from the transcript if the finding occurs after this honor has been posted or if the violation occurs during the summer term following the academic year in which this honor was awarded.
*The level of sanction rendering a student ineligible was revised effective April 26, 2016. Sanctions imposed prior to that date are evaluated based on the policy in effect at that time. Please refer to the Class of 2019 Policies and Procedures for the previous policy.