Getting in touch with the College office
The College Office is located in 120 Claudia Cohen Hall and is open from M-F 9AM-5PM.
10 minute drop-ins are available for quick questions in person at the College Office, Monday through Friday from 12pm-4pm ET. Please note that the last drop-in appointment is taken at 3:45pm ET.
Getting in touch with your advisor
You have a pre-major advisor and a College Contact who can help you with questions. Both can be found in Path@Penn under Degree Planning and Audit. Your College Contact is an advisor in the College Office who can answer questions your pre-major advisor cannot, provide a second opinion and provide general advising questions even if you’re a junior or senior.
If you have a declared major, your major advisor is also listed on Path@Penn.
Contact your advisors by email to discuss their preferred mode for appointment scheduling and meeting.