Checklist: Graduation


Students should know that any delay in major or minor certification, posting of grades, or meeting any other graduation obligation may result in a delay of graduation. In that case, the student would be graduated in the next cycle. There are three graduation cycles, August, December, and May. 

  • Check in Path@Penn to ensure that you have fulfilled, or will fulfill, all requirements, including major requirements, by the end of semester in which you intend to graduate. If you have questions about a major or minor requirement, contact the advisor in that department or program. If you have questions about other graduation requirements, see an advisor in the College Office (drop-in hours are Monday-Friday from 12 to 4 p.m.).
  • Notify your major and minor advisor(s) of your intention to graduate and discuss any outstanding issues with them. Departments and programs will certify majors and minors in the middle of the semester.
  • Apply to graduate. The graduation application opens early in the semester and closes on the last day of classes. It can be accessed through Path@Penn, by clicking on the “hamburger” at the upper left and selecting “Apply for graduation” in the drop-down, under “Academic Planning & Registration (more).”
  • For students who to intend to participate in the College Graduation Ceremony, registration begins early in the Spring semester.