Policies Governing the B.A./J.D. Submatriculation

  • Prospective applicants to the B.A./J.D. program should have fulfilled most—if not all—of their undergraduate degree requirements by what is generally a student's junior year.
  • A prospective applicant should have a g.p.a. of 3.4 or above to apply.
  • Students pursuing dual degrees or coordinated dual degrees are not eligible to apply for this program.
  • Following matriculation to the Law School, four College courses (4000-level or above) must be taken and will be counted toward both the B.A. and the J.D. These courses must be approved by a Law School advisor.
  • Up to four Law School courses may be counted toward the B.A., either as electives (as long as the student has taken the total required Arts and Sciences c.u. as determined by their major ) or as part of their major (as approved by the major advisor).
  • No more than 8 c.u. in all can be double counted toward both degrees. Students must satisfy all the requirements for the J.D. during their fourth, fifth and sixth years of study.
  • Students in the program must complete an advanced-level seminar or independent study in their major field of study by the time they complete junior year.


Students apply to the Law School for admission to this program in the fall semester of their junior year. The application includes an essay explaining the relationship between the student's experience in the College and the study of law and a proposed plan of study developed in consultation with the College advisor.

Please visit the how to apply page for more information.  Please note, either the LSAT, GRE or GMAT is required. 

Although the Law School makes the final decision about acceptance into the submatriculation program, the student's application must also be approved by the College committee.

Students who are serious about this program should contact Dr. Hocine Fetni for an appointment to discuss their plans.

Inquiries about the J.D. requirements should be addressed to the Penn Law School Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, contactadmissions@law.upenn.edu.